Meta-analysis of the influence of dietary glycine and serine, with consideration of methionine and cysteine, on growth and feed conversion of broilers.

Poultry Science(2015)

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The existing literature is inconsistent with respect to optimal dietary concentrations of glycine (Gly) and serine (Ser) in broiler feed. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the response of broilers to dietary levels of Gly using a full quadratic model based on mixed model methodology. Response was measured as ADG (g/d), ADFI (g/d), and G:F (g/g). In addition, the influence of other dietary constituents was evaluated. This meta-analysis was based on a data set comprising a total of 9,626 broilers in 10 peer-reviewed papers that investigated the response of broilers to different dietary concentrations of Gly, achieved by addition of free Gly. The fitted quadratic model, with either Gly+Ser or the calculated glycine equivalent (Glyequi) of both amino acids as the independent variable, revealed that all model terms were significant (P ≤ 0.05), and hence proved a curvilinear relationship between these independent variables and response traits. The R2 value and root MS error confirmed a strong relationship between observed and predicted traits. A comparison of the influence of Gly+Ser and Glyequi on response traits revealed that both approaches produced similar results. Because Glyequi should meet the physiological values of a diet better than Gly+Ser, models with 2 independent variables were conducted using Glyequi. The second independent variables were methionine (Met):TSAA ratio and the concentrations of cysteine (Cys) and CP. In models with one or 2 independent variables, the impact of dietary Gly on ADFI was low. By contrast, G:F was markedly influenced by dietary Gly; this effect intensified at lower Met:TSAA ratios and higher Cys and CP levels. ADG was also a function of Glyequi and the second independent variables. For ADG, an optimal Met:TSAA ratio of 0.655 and Cys concentration of 0.302% was calculated. Following the nonlinear nature of relationship, generally applicable replacement values could not be calculated. However, it was concluded that consideration of dietary Cys can diminish the requirement for Glyequi, and therefore, enable a reduction in the CP of broiler diets without limiting growth performance.
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