Prähospitale Thrombolyse mit rt-PA@@@Prehospital thrombolysis with rt-PA. A reperfusion strategy in the time management concept of acute myocardial infarction: Eine Reperfusionsstrategie im Zeitmanagementkonzept des akuten Herzinfarkts

Medizinische Klinik(1999)

引用 23|浏览3
Patients ann Method: Prehospital thrombolysis was performed on 93 patients during a time period of 6 years (3/1992 to 9/1998) in an urban area. Thrombolysis with rt-PA (20 mg rt-PA bolus, 30 minute infusion with 30 mg rt-PA) could be started within 2 hours after the onset of symptoms in 67 patients (73.6%).Results: The time gain from prehospital thrombolysis amounted to 38 +/- 14 minutes, Bleeding complications were not observed in the prehospital setting, but 2 patients suffered from intracerebral hemorrhage subsequently and died in the hospital, An aborted infarction (CKmax < 200 U/1 and no new Q-waves) was observed in 18 patients (20%) and another 23 patients (25%) had a limitation on of infarct size (CKmax < 500 U/1 or no new Q-waves) despite obvious signs of myocardial ischemia in the first EGG.Conclusion: Our experience demonstrates a considerable time gain for pre-hospital thrombolysis even for an urban area. Accelerated rt-PA is a safe and comfortable thrombolysis regime.
acute myocardial infarction,prehospital thrombolysis,reperfusion strategy
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