The role of probiotics and natural bioactive compounds in modulation of the common molecular pathways in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cancer


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Atherosclerosis and cancer are ranked among the most serious health problems in human medicine. Various predictive and etiological factors, biomarkers and molecular pathways of disease development and progression common to atherosclerosis and cancer suggest that the two most common diseases in worldwide dimension are far more closely aligned than previously believed. It is hypothesized that atherosclerosis and cancer are variants of a similar disease process. Shared disease progression in atherosclerosis and cancer is the emergence of similar novel approaches to therapy. On previous knowledge, it may be hypothesized that not only common approaches to therapy but also preventive strategies could be efficacious in both diseases. The results of in vitro and in vivo animal experiments, clinical and epidemiological studies and also the results of our experiments using animal experimental models of atherosclerosis and carcinogenesis indicate that probiotics, prebiotics, plants and their extracts and poly-unsaturated fatty acids could be effectively used in prevention of both atherosclerosis and colorectal cancer and decrease the disease risk. Future research should answer the question whether probiotic microorganisms and natural bioactive substances could effectively influence the molecular mechanisms in pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cancer.
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probiotics,natural bioactive compounds,atherosclerosis,cancer
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