
Seven Lessons Learned in Seven Years: The MIG Experience

Heart Lung and Circulation(2012)

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The Melbourne Interventional Group registry commenced in 2004 and currently includes 14,832 patients who have undergone 17,029 coronary interventional procedures in seven tertiary referral hospitals. We reflect on key lessons learned since the inception of the registry. These are ranked and will be addressed in detail:1.A multicentre registry with university affiliation allows cardiology trainees increased access to personnel, to critically appraise data and improve their exposure to research.2.Long-term follow-up beyond 12 months becomes too labour intensive for individual patient review; reliance is now placed on linkage to the National Death Index. Alternative avenues such as electronic linkage to hospital records will be discussed.3.Outcomes of patients following PCI are, in general, consistent with other international large scale PCI registries, although our annualised mortality rates are increasing, reflecting an ageing higher-risk population.4.In patients with multivessel disease, comparison of revascularisation technique with the ASCTS CABGS registry is challenged by an inability to match cohorts at baseline.5.Dual antiplatelet therapy is the cornerstone of therapy in PCI patients and rates of long-term use (≥12 months) continue to increase.6.Radial PCI is increasing and may represent a paradigm shift in access for coronary intervention.7.Funding for such a venture has and will continue to be challenging, particularly if standards of independence are to be maintained. The MIG registry remains a valuable vehicle for evaluation of current Australian coronary interventional practice. Future goals include expansion to regional hospitals and linkage to established international registries.
mig experience,lessons,seven
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