Diatoms and silicoflagellates of the Upper Cretaceous from Saratov Region: Biostratigraphy and sedimentation settings

Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation(2013)

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A representative assemblage of diatoms and silicoflagellates found in a excellent state of preservation is described from terrigenous cherty deposits of the Upper Cretaceous, which are exposed in a quarry near the Kologrivovka village in Saratov Region. The assemblage is correlative with diatoms of the Costopyxis antiqua Zone of the lower Campanian and with silicoflagellates of the Cornua trifurcata Zone, the upper one in the lower Campanian. According to the taxonomic composition, dominated by diatom genera Cortinocornus, Costopyxis, Hemiaulus, Paralia, Pseudopodosira , and Stephanopyxis , the assemblage was typical of a highly productive neritic zone with an active hydrological regime. A perceptible content of silicoflagellates among the diatoms suggests the normal salinity of the sedimentation basin. The comparable sedimentation settings in marginal parts of the Early Campanian epicontinental basin on the south of the East European platform can also be inferred based on the data from the lithological analysis.
Upper Cretaceous, Campanian, East European platform, diatoms, silicoflagellates, paleoenvironments
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