Su1252 The Natural History of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in an Australian Based Community Cohort: Investigating Predictors of Severe Disease and Risk of Complications


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Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic, idiopathic disease. Although multiple pathophysiological mechanisms have been described, a “trigger” factor could not be determined with certainty. Aim: Highlighting the particularities of adult patients with UC. Methods: We performed a prospective study lasting three years, January 2009 December 2011. The study included patients with UC diagnosed and monitored in Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, “St. Spiridon” Hospital Iasi. All patients were evaluated by colonoscopy to assess the extension of the lesions and biopsies were taken for histological confirmation. UC activity was quantified by Mayo score. Results: One hundred and five patients were studied. Demographic analysis showed: a predominant male gender (51%), the average age of diagnosis was 42 years, with a bimodal distribution (first peak 18 35 years and another between 55 65 years) without significant differences from the urban than in rural areas. 13.7% had a first degree relative with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 31.8% were non-smokers and 24.5% former smokers. In 12.4% of patients the lesions were limited to the rectum, 28.5% had proctosigmoiditis, 30.7% had left colitis and 10.2% lesions were extended to the entire colon. Disease activity was significantly correlated only with the extension of lesions. Gender, age, smoking/non-smoking status, family history of IBD did not influence the activity and extension lesions. Conclusions: The study showed bimodal distribution of age of diagnosis. The disease activity was correlated with the extension of lesions. Environmental factors had no significant influence on the activity or extension of lesions.
inflammatory bowel disease,ibd,australian based community cohort,severe disease
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