13 Aerobic Exercise Prevents Diabetes-Associated Decrease in GDNF and Enteric Neuropathy in Proximal Colon


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G A A b st ra ct s S100β positive glial cells. A reduced staining of acetylcholinesterase fibers together with a loss of nNOS immunopositive neurons (-33±3%) was found after TLR2 and TLR4 inhibition. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the expression of HuC/D, peripherin and nNOS (19±3%, -31±2% and -43±5%, respectively) was revealed by western blotting analyses in LMMP from control and treated animals. Conclusions. Our study provides evidence that TLR2 and TLR4 signaling is essential for ENS homeostasis. The absence or a defective activity of these innate immunity receptors per se could determine complex anomalies in ENS architecture, neurochemical coding and function leading to intestinal dysfunction.
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Key words
enteric neuropathy,aerobic exercise,diabetes-associated
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