Science, society and biosafety of a field trial with transgenic biofuel poplars

BMC Proceedings(2011)

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Background Global warming, environmental disasters, and increasing oil prices have catalyzed a worldwide trend to use plant biomass as a renewable source for liquid biofuels and bio-based materials. Plant biomass can be processed into fermentable sugars by enzymatic depolymerization of the cell wall polysaccharides, followed by fermentation. However, the presence of lignin in the cell wall constitutes a major recalcitrance factor because it limits the accessibility of polysaccharidases to the cellulose microfibrils. To overcome this hurdle, plant biomass is pretreated in a costly and energyrequiring process. One approach to overcome the recalcitrance problem is to engineer lignin amount or alter its composition to make lignin more susceptible to chemical degradation [1]. Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR), the enzyme that converts feruloyl-CoA into coniferaldehyde, is considered the first enzyme in the monolignol-specific branch of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Poplar trees down-regulated in CCR have been produced in the early nineties and planted in a field trial in France to produce sufficient wood for small scale chemical pulping tests [2]. These trees had 20% lower lignin levels and relatively more cellulose per gram of wood [2]. Given that lignin is one of the main limiting factors limiting the conversion of plant biomass into fermentable sugars, and that poplar is considered as a promising second generation biofuel crop, we have re-grown these trees in the greenhouse and in the field, and evaluated wood produced from these trees by saccharification experiments. Methods Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR) expression was downregulated in poplar by sense and antisense strategies [2]. Transgenic trees were evaluated for lignin amount and composition [2] and for sugar release by saccharification assays [3]. After obtaining permission from the regulatory authorities, two transgenic lines were planted in a field trial in Belgium and two in a field trial in France, both under short rotation coppice culture to maximize biomass production. Wood was saccharified with and without acid pretreatment.
Field Trial,Fermentable Sugar,Acid Pretreatment,Cell Wall Polysaccharide,Transgenic Tree
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