Auto-generation of IEC standard PLC code using t -MPSG


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The objective of this paper is to reduce the development time of a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) by automating the task of code generation. For this purpose, we applied t -MPSG ( Timed -Message Based Part State Graph). The t -MPSG is an extended finite state automata used to model and generate an execution module for a real-time shop floor controller system. In our proposed method, t -MPSG is used to model the formal specification of the controller system that can be translated into textual structure. After the verification of the t -MPSG model, it can be used as an input to the plc -builder tool. The plc -builder tool is an extended version of a conventional MPSG simulator. It can be used to translate the textual structure of the t -MPSG into an IEC standard PLC code. Finally, the generated code can be downloaded to a PLC emulator or a PLC device for the purpose of simulation and execution. The similarity in the hierarchical structure of the t -MPSG and the IEC standard PLC program has made it convenient to transform from one form to another. Furthermore, an illustration of the methodology to auto-generate IEC standard PLC code using t -MPSG is explained with a suitable example.
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IEC 61131-3,programmable logic controller,symbolic model verifier,t-MPSG
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