Rapid differential diagnosis between bacterial and viral meningitis with serum procalcitonin assay in adults.

A Viallon,V Pouzet,F Zeni,B Tardy, S Guyomarch, Christopher R Lambert,Yann Le Page,J C Bertrand


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OBJECTIVE: it has been shown that serum procalcitonin (PCT) can be used to differentiate bacterial from viral meningitis in children in all cases. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the interest of PCT in the management of suspected meningitis in adults. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We conducted a prospective study including 179 consecutive patients admitted to the emergency department for suspected meningitis. Ail samples were taken at patient admission. The discriminant potential between bacterial acid viral meningitis was studied for cerebrospinal fluid parameters (cytology, protein, glucose lactate) and serum parameters (C reactive protein, PCT). RESULTS: Thirty-tow patients had bacterial meningitis, 90 had viral meningitis and meningitis was ruled out in 57 Among ail studied parameters, the mast discriminant for distinguishing between bacterial and viral meningitis in 100% of the cases proved to be serum procalcitonin with a threshold value of 0.93 ng/ml. CONCLUSION: Serum procalcitonin is an interesting parameter in the Emergency departement for management of meningitis suspicion in adults.
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Key words
central nervous system,serology,diagnosis
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