Simulation the Wind Grid Code Requirements for Wind Farms Connection in Kosovo Transmission Grid

Energy and Power Engineering(2012)

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This paper presents aspects of study and simulation approach for planned wind power projects in Kosovo Power System in relation with Grid Code requirements. All generators, connected to the Kosovo Transmission System are required to comply with the Grid Code. The Grid Code was originally developed with conventional synchronous generators. Since Wind Turbine Generators don’t have the same characteristics as synchronous generators, it was considered appropriate to develop a new set of Grid Code provisions specifically for Wind Farm Power Stations in relation with specific characteristic of Kosovo Power System. With high excepted penetration of wind power, a simultaneous loss of Wind Farms generation will put in the risk the security and reliability of Power System. Therefore, the main requirements for Wind farm power stations concern the fault ride through capability, frequency operation range, and reactive power capability of wind turbines. In the case of grid faults wind turbines have to supply a definite reactive power depending on the instantaneous voltage level of connection point and they must return quickly to normal operation.
wind grid code requirements,wind farms connection,simulation
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