Generalized Elastic Model: Fractional Langevin Description, Fluctuation Relation and Linear Response


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The Generalized Elastic Model is a linear stochastic model which accounts for the behaviour of many physical systems in nature, ranging from polymeric chains to single-file systems. If an external perturbation is exerted only on a single point x(star) (tagged probe), it propagates throughout the entire system. Within the fractional Langevin equation framework, we study the effect of such a perturbation, in cases of a constant force applied. We report most of the results arising from our previous analysis and, in the present work, we show that the Fox H-functions formalism provides a compact, elegant and useful tool for the study of the scaling properties of any observable. In particular we show how the generalized Kubo fluctuation relations can be expressed in terms of H-functions.
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fractional Langevin equation,subdiffusion,Fox H-function,linear response
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