Prevalence of uterine myomas in women in Germany: data of an epidemiological study

Hans-Joachim Ahrendt,Heike Tylkoski,Thomas Rabe, André Szczes, Cornelia Friedrich, Friedrich-Wilhelm Roehl,Ann Kitay,Thomas Roemer,Dolores Foth

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics(2015)

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Purpose Currently, no reliable data are available concerning the prevalence of uterine myomas in Germany. In this prospective study, we examined the prevalence of myomas in women older than 30 years by means of vaginal ultrasound. Methods 2296 women, who consented to the procedure, were examined by means of vaginal ultrasound for the presence of myomas in seven gynaecological outpatient departments in Germany. Results Prevalence: myomas were detected in 41.6 % of all women. Age dependence: With increasing age, the prevalence of uterine myomas rose from 21.3 % (30–35 years) to 62.8 % (46–50 years). Later, the number of myomas decreased again from 56.1 % (51–55 years) to 29.4 % in women older than 55 years. Menarche/BMI: no correlation could be found between the age at first menstrual period or the body mass index and the occurrence of myomas. Parity: since the group of nulliparous women and the group of women with more than four deliveries stand out by increased occurrence of myomas, a non-linear correlation seems to exist, necessitating more in-depth discussion with regard to age dependency. Conclusions The results of this study suggest that more than 40 % of women over 30 years of age suffered from myomas and more than 50 % of all women in Germany may develop uterine myomas at some time in their life.
Uterine myomas, Uterine leiomyomas, Prevalence of myomas, Vaginal ultrasound
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