Axial Optical Traps: A New Direction for Optical Tweezers

Biophysical Journal(2015)

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Optical tweezers have revolutionized our understanding of the microscopic world. Axial optical tweezers, which apply force to a surface-tethered molecule by directly moving either the trap or the stage along the laser beam axis, offer several potential benefits when studying a range of novel biophysical phenomena. This geometry, although it is conceptually straightforward, suffers from aberrations that result in variation of the trap stiffness when the distance between the microscope coverslip and the trap focus is being changed. Many standard techniques, such as back-focal-plane interferometry, are difficult to employ in this geometry due to back-scattered light between the bead and the coverslip, whereas the noise inherent in a surface-tethered assay can severely limit the resolution of an experiment. Because of these complications, precision force spectroscopy measurements have adapted alternative geometries such as the highly successful dumbbell traps. In recent years, however, most of the difficulties inherent in constructing a precision axial optical tweezers have been solved. This review article aims to inform the reader about recent progress in axial optical trapping, as well as the potential for these devices to perform innovative biophysical measurements.
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