Low light intensity can reduce Atlantic salmon smolt quality


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The objective of this study has been to investigate the effect of light intensity (10, 21, 43, 200 and 650lx) during smolting and its potential influence on gill Na+,K+-ATPase (NKA) activity, endocrinology, ion regulation, growth, morphology, and spinal development in Atlantic salmon. Gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity, plasma glucose and blood PCO2 were all affected by time (study duration 176days), while no differences were seen as a result of the different light intensity treatments. Growth rate was positively correlated to light intensity. Lower body silvering index, reduced fin area (5–7% lower in the 10 and 21lux groups) and increased percentage of skeletal abnormalities (6.9% in the 10lux group vs. 1% in the 650lux group) at low light intensity were seen. In a second experiment juvenile Atlantic salmon parr were reared in August at LD12:12, at either 1lx or 1000lx and circulating plasma thyroxin (FT) levels measured. Plasma FT4 levels remained low in the low light intensity group (1lx), whereas FT4 levels increased significantly from 2 to 5h in the high intensity group (1000lx). Total T4 levels were nearly 2-fold higher 5h after lights-on in the high intensity group compared with the low. Overall, the present data suggests that a minimum light intensity of 43lx is needed to secure optimal smolt quality, development, welfare and growth in Atlantic salmon.
Atlantic salmon,Light intensity,Endocrinology,Growth
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