Evaluation of Biological Behavior of Keratocyst Odontogenic Tumor Based on Clinical Findings, Histology, and Radiographic Findings Through Epidemiologic Survey at São Leopoldo de Mandic C.P.O.

Caio Vinicius Bardi Matai,Jose Luiz Cintra Junqueira, Silvia Cristina Mazeti Torres,Milena Bortolotto Felippe Silva, Anamaria De Lima Laranjeira,Rafael Claudino Lins, Lucas Correa Homse

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology(2014)

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Keratocyst odontogenic tumor, which was renamed in 2005 by the World Health Organization, requires special care because of its locally invasive behavior, aggressiveness, and high recurrence rate. An evaluation of 115 pathological results and clinical and radiographic findings from the Oral Pathology Laboratory of São Leopoldo Mandic provided data on the biological behavior of this lesion. This entity affects more men (53%), has a higher incidence in the third decade of life (28.7%), displays progression in 1 year or less (27%), consists of cells from the basal layer of the palisade and stains dark (84.3%), has a coated surface revealed by parakeratin (90.4%), is unilocular (40%) and radiolucent (57.4%), has well-defined margins (45.2%), is located in the posterior mandible region (47%), and is unrelated to teeth (21.7%). Based on these findings and this lesion's controversial etiology, more research is needed in genetic evaluation and molecular biology of this entity.
odontogenic tumor,keratocyst
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