Some Correlation Functions in Matrix Product Ground States of One-Dimensional Two-State Chains

Reports on Mathematical Physics(2014)

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Consider one-dimensional chains with nearest neighbour interactions, for which to each site correspond two independent states (say up and down), and the ground state is a matrix product state. It has been shown [23] that for such systems, the ground states are linear combinations of specific vectors which are essentially direct products of specific numbers of ups and downs, symmetrized in a generalized manner. By a generalized manner, it is meant that the coefficient corresponding to the interchange of states of two sites, in not necessarily plus one or minus one, but a phase which depends on the Hamiltonian and the position of the two sites. Such vectors are characterized by a phase chi, the N-th power of which is one (where N is the number of sites), and an integer. Corresponding to chi, there is another integer M which is the smallest positive integer that chi(M) is one. Two classes of correlation functions for such systems (basically correlation functions for such vectors) are calculated. The first class consists of correlation functions of tensor products of one-site diagonal observables; the second class consists of correlation functions of tensor products of less than M one-site observables (but not necessarily diagonal).
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