Effects of Altered Sensory Bolus Characteristics and Repeated Swallows in Healthy Young and Elderly Subjects

Kara J Ayala,Jerilyn A Logemann


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The effects of alterations in bolus sensory characteristics-including temperature, taste, and viscosity-on oropharyngeal swallow function in healthy young, old, and very old subjects were examined This study also reported the nature of normal age-associated swallow changes in relation to use over a lengthy swallow protocol. Three subject groups of thirty healthy adults (ages 20-30,60-70, and 80-90 years) were examined via videofluoroscopy in a 45-swallow protocol Boluses containing specific tastes (sweet, sour), temperature (cold, cold-sour), and viscosity (paste) alterations were administered. Significant differences in oropharyngeal swallow efficiency (OPSE) were found between the oldest groups compared to the young for all bolus conditions The sour and cold +sour conditions demonstrated significantly higher OPSE scores for all ages Three of the oldest subjects each aspirated once OPSE scores were significantly lower in the last set of swallows compared to the first set, indicating a possible effect with repeated use It appears that the swallowing mechanism successfully ages but is susceptible to many normal age-related changes. Despite these differences, swallow safety and efficiency do not appear to be compromised in any of the targeted age groups over a series of 45 swallows
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