Integration of environmental aspects into R&D inter-organizational projects management: application of a life cycle-based method to the development of innovative windows


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Within Research and Development programmes funded by the European Union, new generations of materials, products, systems, and processes are under development. In the present article the structure of a Research and Development publicly funded inter-organizational project with its deliverables and milestones is analysed, since it can enhance the development of real eco-innovation. In particular the technical and managerial experience gained during EU-funded FP7 project called HarWin (Harvesting solar energy with multifunctional glass-polymer windows) is reported. The project aimed at designing innovative smart windows with polymer-glass composite glazing and framing. As Life Cycle Assessment has been increasingly explicitly required in R&D projects, efforts have been dedicated to enlarge knowledge on the development of specific tailored LCA methods and tools and on the application of LCA in inter-organizational R&D projects in general. The specific method developed and systematically tested within the project to assess the environmental burden associated to the life cycle of windows at the R&D stage is reported. The specific tool that has been developed to allow environmental data gathering and direct involvement of the design team in the environmentally conscious design of the window is also described, highlighting its experienced benefits. The management of the HarWin project has been analysed and, reported in order to identify strengths and weaknesses for the integration of environmental aspects and of LCA in particular. Finally, a list of recommendations for improving the planning in future calls and the execution of future projects is reported. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
Environmentally conscious design,R&D inter-organizational projects,LCA methods and tools,"Smart windows"
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