Analyses of FT spectra of C 2V ozone isotopologues in the 4500–5700 cm −1 region: 16 O 18 O 16 O, 18 O 16 O 18 O and 18 O 3

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer(2014)

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This work continues the systematic investigation of high resolution infrared spectra of 18O enriched ozone isotopologues in the 4500–6300cm−1 spectral range. So far, the 16O18O16O and 18O16O18O spectra have been recorded and analysed using Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) below 5000cm−1 and using high sensitivity Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy above 6000cm−1. In order to fill the gap between 5000 and 6000cm−1, new infrared spectra were recorded with the Reims FTS. The analyses of the 2ν1+ν2+3ν3 band of 16O18O16O and of the 5ν3, ν1+2ν2+3ν3 and ν1+5ν3 bands of 18O16O18O are reported. New ν1+2ν2+3ν3 and ν1+5ν3 bands of 18O3 were also observed and analysed. Observed line positions were fitted using effective Hamiltonian models accounting for the dark state perturbations. The derived band centres and rotational constants are in a good agreement with new theoretical calculations from the molecular potential function.
Ozone isotopologues,Fourier transform spectroscopy,Resonance coupling,Effective Hamiltonian model,Vibrational predictions
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