Correction to “Influence of sediment deposition on deep lithospheric tectonics”


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[1] In the paper “Influence of sediment deposition on deep lithospheric tectonics” by R. Gray and R. N. Pysklywec (Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L11312, doi:10.1029/2012GL051947, 2012), the sentence in paragraph 5 that begins with “An empirical law for relief-dependent erosion rate...” should be changed to “An empirical law for relief-dependent erosion rate, E, in tectonically active regions [Montgomery and Brandon, 2002] is used and applied to the entire width of the model domain: E = E∘ + , where is a rate constant, Rc=1500 m is limiting relief, E∘= 0.01 is the background erosion rate due to weathering, and R is mean local relief.” [2] The surface and bottom temperatures of the numerical experiments shown in Figure 1 should be changed to “20°C” and “1520°C,” respectively. [3] Figure 2 does not show the second invariant of the deviatoric strain rate tensor (). It shows filled contours of the logarithm of shear strain rate (log). As a result, the first sentence of the caption to Figure 2 should be changed to “Shear strain rate (log) in numerical experiments RUN1 and RUN2.” [6] The sentence in the “Model materials” section of the auxiliary material that begins with “The frictional plastic rheology of the lower crust...” and the following two sentences should be changed to “The frictional plastic rheology of the mantle lithosphere is permitted to soften by implementing a linear decrease in plastic yield stress with accumulated strain, . Through this strain-softening mechanism, the plastic yield stress of the mantle lithosphere is reduced from 300 to 50MPa through the strain range . We introduce this as an arbitrary mechanism of strain softening in the mantle lithosphere [e.g., Jin et al., 1996].” [7] The sentence in the “Model materials” section of the auxiliary material that begins with “We set the rate of crustal radioactive heat production...” should be changed to “We set the rate of crustal radioactive heat production (RHP) at 2.0 [Beaumont et al., 2004]. [8] The last sentence in the “Model materials” section of the auxiliary material should be changed to “Consequently, because the heat flow into the base of the mantle lithosphere was fixed at 20, the thickness of the thermal lithosphere was adjusted accordingly, whereas the thickness of the compositional mantle lithosphere was kept constant at 91.2km.”
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Key words
deep lithospheric tectonics”,sediment deposition,correction
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