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A case study of a workplace recreation-based physical activity program

Candice Bruton, Christopher Vurnakes, Kathryn Martin, Warren Perry,Karla A Henderson


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Physical activity is a modifiable risk factor that can improve people's health. The purpose of this case study is to examine a workplace recreation-based physical activity program using a social ecological approach to wellness. Qualitative data were collected from documents, observations and interviews with current, past and potential participants. Three primary themes emerged from the data collection: leadership, social support and bonding and trading off constraints for benefits. Leadership was important because of the shared responsibility among participants. Social support came in both hierarchical and lateral ways. Constraints related to job responsibilities, returning to work after perspiring and limitations of the physical space were traded or offset by the benefits of social interactions and convenience. Two ways of theorizing the data are discussed. One aspect is the degree of identification and ownership that individuals feel, and the second is the recreation-based philosophy of the activities.
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risk factors,leadership,social interaction,work,data collection,physical activity,qualitative data,recreation
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