Fullerene peapods: In-situ conductivity study during synthesis

Journal of the Korean Physical Society(2014)

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We report in-situ measurement of the conductivity during the synthesis of C 60 -filled single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), so-called fullerene peapods. The synthesis was performed in a sealed quartz tube at 773 K by using the sublimation of C 60 into the hollow space of the SWNTs. The change in the resistance in the SWNT buckypaper was monitored during the C 60 -filling process, and the temperature dependence of the resistance was compared to that for empty SWNTs and fullerene peapods. The SWNT networks became more metallic due to the encapsulation of C 60 , and a reduced temperature dependence of the resistivity was observed in the peapods, with an overall decrease in the resistivity. The interaction between the SWNT and C 60 molecules, changing the electronic properties of SWNTs, can provide a way to functionalize the SWNTs.
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Key words
Fullerene peapod,Carbon nanotube,Conductivity
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