The Human Dimensions of the Britannia Development

R. A. Thompson, J. N. Hall


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A decision was made to underrun a sanctioned tight budget significantly Such a bold step required a different approach that involved the whole organization. Change on such a scale was a daunting challenge. More than 2,000 people were involved in Britannia, organized in numerous groups and many different companies. A comprehensive communications and education exercise was set in motion. Everyone was enrolled in achieving the common goal. Barriers were removed and improved working relationships developed among all the different companies. People were given the authority, the interpersonal skills, and tools to work in new improved ways. Finally achievements were recognized and celebrated throughout the development. The development results were benchmarked and audited externally A 20% saving was achieved over the tough budget, which equated to a top decile industry performance.. The techniques used on Britannia are equally applicable to any organization, not just capital projects.
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