A Synthesis of Findings from an Integrated Hatchery Program after Three Generations of Spawning in the Natural Environment


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The Cle Elum Supplementation and Research Facility in the Yakima River basin, Washington, is an integrated spring Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha hatchery program designed to test whether artificial propagation can increase natural production and harvest opportunities while keeping ecological and genetic impacts within acceptable limits. Only natural-origin (naturally spawned) fish are used for hatchery broodstock. Spawning, incubation, and early rearing occur at a central facility; presmolts are transferred for final rearing, acclimation, and volitional release at sites adjacent to natural spawning areas, where returning adults can spawn with natural-origin fish. The first wild broodstock were collected in 1997, and age-4 adults have returned to the Yakima River since 2001. An unsupplemented population in the adjacent Naches River watershed provides a reference for evaluating environmental influences. The program has been comprehensively monitored from its inception. A synthesis of findings, many already published, is as follows: supplementation increased the harvest, redd counts, and spatial distribution of spawners; natural-origin returns were maintained; straying to nontarget systems was negligible; natural-origin females had slightly higher breeding success (production of surviving fry) in an artificial spawning channel, while the behavior and breeding success of natural-and hatchery-origin males were similar; hatchery-origin fish showed differences in morphometric and life history traits; high rates of hatchery age-2 (minijack) production were reported, but the observed proportions of out-migrating juvenile and adult (ages 4 and 5) returning males were comparable for hatchery-and natural-origin fish; hatchery smolts did not affect the levels of pathogens in natural smolts; and the ecological interactions attributed to the program were within adopted guidelines. Continued study is required to assess the long-term impacts on natural production and productivity.
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spawning,integrated hatchery program
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