Effect of re-entering fast ions on NBI heating power in high-beta plasmas of the Large Helical Device


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We calculate the heating power of the neutral beam injection (NBI) in a = 4.8% high-beta discharge achieved in the Large Helical Device (LHD). We investigate the difference of the heating efficiency and the heating power profile with and without the re-entering fast ion effects. When the re-entering fast ion effects are taken into account, the heating efficiency of the co-injection of the NBI (co-NBI case) is improved and it is about 1.8 times larger than that without the re-entering effects. In contrast, the heating efficiency with the re-entering effects in the counter-injection of the NBI (ctr-NBI case) scarcely differs from that without the re-entering ones. We also study the re-entering fast ion effects on the transport properties in the LHD high-beta discharges. It is found that the tendency of the thermal conductivities on the beta value is not so much sensitive with and without the re-entering effects. In addition, we investigate the difference in the re-entering fast ion effects caused by the field strength and the magnetic configuration. In the co-NBI case, the heating efficiency with the re-entering effect was improved with a decrease in the field strength. In contrast, in the ctr-NBI case, it barely differs by changing the field strength.
nbi heating power,fast ions,helical device,re-entering,high-beta
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