Effective and efficient Grassfinch kernel for SVM classification and its application to recognition based on image set

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals(2016)

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This paper presents an effective and efficient kernel approach to recognize image set which is represented as a point on extended Grassmannian manifold. Several recent studies focus on the applicability of discriminant analysis on Grassmannian manifold and suffer from not obtaining the inherent nonlinear structure of the data itself. Therefore, we propose an extension of Grassmannian manifold to address this issue. Instead of using a linear data embedding with PCA, we develop a non-linear data embedding of such manifold using kernel PCA. This paper mainly consider three folds: 1) introduce a non-linear data embedding of extended Grassmannian manifold, 2) derive a distance metric of Grassmannian manifold, 3) develop an effective and efficient Grassmannian kernel for SVM classification. The extended Grassmannian manifold naturally arises in the application to recognition based on image set, such as face and object recognition. Experiments on several standard databases show better classification accuracy. Furthermore, experimental results indicate that our proposed approach significantly reduces time complexity in comparison to graph embedding discriminant analysis.
Extended Grassmannian manifold,Recognition based on image set,Grassmannian kernel
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