Variable Ordering Algorithms Using Problem Classifying

Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information(2011)

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Efficient ordering of decision variables is one of the methods that find solutions quickly in the depth first search using backtracking. At this time, development of variables ordering algorithms considering dynamic and static properties of the problems is very important. However, to exploit optimal variable ordering algorithms appropriate to the problems. In this paper, we propose a problem classifying rule which provides problem type based on variables' properties, and use this rule to predict optimal type of variable ordering algorithms. We choose frequency allocation problem as a DS-type whose decision variables have dynamic and static properties, and estimate optimal variable ordering algorithm. We also show the usefulness of problem classifying rule by applying base station problem as a special case whose problem type is not generated from the presented rule. ▸Keyword : Variable Ordering, Backtracking Search, Problem Classifying Rule ∙제1저자 : 손석원 ∙투고일 : 2010-12-06, 심사일 : 2011-01-03, 게재확정일 : 2011-01-20 * 호서대학교 뉴미디어학과(Dept. of New Media, Hoseo University) ※ 이 논문은 2008년도 호서대학교의 재원으로 학술연구비 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(20090054) 128 韓國컴퓨터情報學會 論文誌(2011. 04.)
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