Jets In Deep Inelastic Scattering


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Jet production in deep inelastic scattering provides a basis for the investigation of various phenomena related to QCD. The large increase in collision energy at the ep storage ring HERA compared to previous fixed target experiments results in dear jet structures and sufficiently large cross sections to test predictions of perturbative QCD which at lower energies have been concealed by non-perturbative effects such as primordial transverse momenta and hadronisation. Two-jet production at large Q(2) has been studied and the distributions with respect to the partonic scaling variables have been compared to models and to next to leading order calculations. The first observations of azimuthal asymmetries of jets produced in first order alpha(s) processes have been obtained. The gluon initiated boson-gluon fusion process permits a direct determination of the gluon density of the proton from an analysis of the jets produced in the hard scattering process. A comparison of these results with those from indirect extractions of the gluon density provides an important test of QCD.
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deep inelastic scattering
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