Controlling Techniques And Documentation Standards For E-Commerce

2006 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings(2006)

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In the report of digital economy June 2000, the U. S. department of Commerce declared that digital economy is no longer emerging; but it has already arrived and therefore, it is increasingly important that companies actively participate in digital economy to remain competitive. The meaning of the term "Electronic Commerce" has changed over time. Originally, "electronic commerce" meant the facilitation of commercial transactions electronically, usually using technology like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI, introduced in the late 1970s) to send commercial documents like Purchase Orders or Invoices electronically. Later it came to include activities more precisely termed "Web Commerce" -- the purchase of goods and services over the World Wide Web via secure servers (note HTTPS, a special server Protocol which Encrypts confidential ordering data for customer protection) with E-Shopping Carts and with electronic pay services, like Credit Card payment authorizations.In this paper researchers tried to examines business in virtual world through E-Commerce. The word Virtual means 'object' or 'thing' which does not have physical existence in this world but the process takes place technically by using electronic device. In today's marketplace, a basic level of product features with minimum quality is required for market entry, but it is not sufficient for any significant market penetration. It focuses on various issue of E-Commerce (EC). The key success factors of E-Commerce is presented in this paper like value to customer, services and performance, sales, promotion, relationship etc. In our study we found that problems with E-Commerce faced by customers like security, competitive situation, employee commitment etc. This study extends to product suitability, trust of E-Commerce and acceptance of E-Commerce. It also suggests that technology is important factor to consider in selection entry mode. As a result of technology, distance is no longer a barrier to the international marketing of services, some service from can become global from the beginning because of the ease with which online transaction can transfer national border, services firms do not need to undergo all the traditional step of entry. More selection such as determining market potential and examining entry barriers before went using abroad. Documentation standards can facilitate communication.Between functions within the e-commerce organization, by ensuring that information is presented in consistent form. This can speed up communication, improve understanding of the functions and process, and make sure that all the necessary information is included. It is not the purpose of this paper to give detailed documentation and controlling standards but to indicate the areas that might be covered in the appropriate procedure. Adequate security is now accepted as a basic requirement for every e-commerce or networked system. This applies to all the underlying components like the LAN, Firewall, Routers, Internet, and so on. But how do you ensure that the security is appropriate and up to scratch? How do you know that there are no major exposures? How do you audit it methodically?This study is an effort to examine ways that technology has redefined. Trust is important to the success of EDI or E-Commerce in which partner is identifiable. E-Commerce technology is to increase the efficiency of service, production and delivery. Due to the size of the task establishing personnel contact there will be the increasing need for tools to aid in structuring these marketing relationships. This is role of the internet in relationship marketing.
e commerce,internet,edi,strontium,virtual worlds,production,documentation,business,entry barrier,electronic commerce,transaction processing,web server
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