Cinnamomi Aetheroleum, Energy Profile and Broiler Chickens’ Production Quality

Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies(2023)

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We carried the experiment with broiler chickens. The experiment consisted of control and trial groups, containing different portions of Cinnamomi aetheroleum (0.1; 0.05; 0.025%) in feed mixtures. The triglycerides content in the blood serum was 0.69 mmol/l at 0.1% proportion of Cinnamomi aetheroleum, 0.64 mmol/l at 0.05% proportion and 0.70 mmol/l at 0.025% proportion of Cinnamomi aetheroleum. The differences of triglycerides content in the blood serum among groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The glucose content in the blood serum of broiler chickens was 15.63 mmol/l at 0.1% proportion of Cinnamomi aetheroleum, 14.73 mmol/l at 0.05% proportion and 11.13 mmol/l at 0.025% proportion of Cinnamomi aetheroleum. The differences of glucose content in blood of broiler chickens were statistically significant among groups (P<0.05). The cholesterol content in the blood serum of broiler chickens was 4.20 mmol/l at 0.1% proportion of Cinnamomi aetheroleum, 3.71 mmol/l at 0.05% proportion and 3.50 mmol/l at 0.025% proportion of Cinnamomi aetheroleum. The differences of cholesterol content in blood of broiler chickens among groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The effect of different proportions of Cinnamomi aetheroleum was not statistically significant (P>0.05) to broilers body weight and fat content in meat.
blood serum,broiler,cinnamomi aetheroleum,glucose,cholesterol,triglycerides
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