Rice plant parasitic nematodes in the Northern and Atlantic Regions of Costa Rica. Nemátodos fitoparásitos asociados al arroz en la Regiones Huetar Norte y Huetar Atlántica de Costa Rica.

T J Guzman Hernandez,S Hernandez Villalobos,I Varela Benavides,J Duran Mora,W Montero Carmona, Esquivel R A Soto Munoz G, P Descamps,B Vilchez Alvarado,Robin L Chazdon, V Milla Quesada,B Finegan, Chacon Lizano M H Salazar R, J M Elizondo Solis, A Delgado Montero,L A Forero Molina, A Redondo B, B Vilchez A,M Herrera Morera, P Olivas Rojas, R Ortiz Valverde, E Arnaez S,I Moreira G, L G Hernandez Sanchez, Claudio Berti,Miguel A Gallo, J A Soto Sandoval,L A Salazar Rodriguez, M Pereira Perez, M A Solis, P M Spittler Mathez, R F Quesada Monge,A Solorzano Arroyo,A Morales Gomez, F Haselgruber, Cons, L Rodriguez S,M Camacho,F C,M R Guariguata, Eds,P Camacho M,Van Den Brink F Morales Mora E,F Cartin Brenes,Recops Y Eds,Corrales Jimenez O Morales Mora E,L Rodriguez Sanchez,Muller E Morales Mora E, Arnaez S E Morales Mora E,E Muller, Davies J Fernandez Gonzalez A, Sanchez M M Solis Rivera V,P Madrigal Cordero,I Ayales Cruz, J J Calvo Domingo, M Solis C, C Reiche, M I Chavarria Espinoza, Baltasar Ruizroso Calvo De Mora,Arturo Morales,Susana Fernandez, F F,W Badilla,J Garcia, Gonzalez L F Bertsch F,D Quiros, Mendez J Bertsch F, Arguedas M Bertsch F,Freddy Mora,J R Navarro,Omar Danilo Castrillon Gomez,E Villalobos, Marin M Bertsch F,E Bornemisza, Elizondo J Bertsch F


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