A Case Report on Patient Counseling (1). A Case Study on a Neurosurgery Patient.

Japanese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy(1995)

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The importance of patient counseling has been recognized recently not only by pharmacists but also by other medical staffs and patients. We have started patient counseling from July 1988 on patients and developed to seven clinical departments up to the present. In practicing patient counseling, we attempt to incorporate and to put to practical use not only the drug information but also the data obtained from TDM and clinical tests. Many of the patients being seen at the Clinical Department of Neurosurgery are those who need comprehensive patient counseling involving such as drug information to continuous drug monitoring. In addition to this pharmaceutical basis, one of most important elements is that we have to know well about patients, inclusive of their physical and mental conditions, since these patients are so sensitive and nervous to change unstably.We would like to report a case of patient counseling practice using a patient of our Clinical Department of Neurosurgery as an example case cojoined with TDM and clinical data.
neurosurgery,patient counseling,case report,case study
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