Efficient fine-grained analysis of urban transport accessibility

2015 Smart Cities Symposium Prague (SCSP)(2015)

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We describe a novel computationally efficient method for the fine-grained analysis of accessibility in multimodal (urban) transport systems. In contrast to existing work, we use a full-detail representation of the transport system, including exact timetables and complete maps of road, footpath and cycleway networks, which enables more accurate accessibility assessment. Compared to existing work, our approach also calculates a wider range of location- and time-dependent transport accessibility metrics, including service frequency and the number of transfers for public transport and physical effort and elevation gain for cycling. Because it employs efficient single-origin multiple-destination shortest-path graph search techniques, our method is also faster than existing approaches relying on point-to-point search algorithms. We demonstrate our method on the city of Prague, showing the interactive frontend for location accessibility analysis as well as the application of our algorithms for comparing the city-wide transport accessibility before and after large-scale timetable change.
fine-grained analysis,urban transport accessibility,cycleway networks,transport accessibility metrics,service frequency,single-origin multiple-destination shortest-path graph search technique,point-to-point search algorithm,interactive frontend
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