Mandatos institucionales para el desarrollo de los agronegocios en América Latina y el Caribe: mecanismos e instrumentos de política.

I A Gutierrez Montes, D Padilla Castillo, G G Rivas Platero, R W Herdt, G Toro B, N Espinoza C,J Arias Segura, A M, Eliana Esther Gallardo Echenique, M Lobovikov, L German,David A Jaeger,Serve W M Kengen, H Konijnendijk, I Buttoud Kouplevatskaya, H Komarudin, K M Mcclain,J R Nascimento, G Schoneveld, Stadt J Mery G,P Katila,G Galloway, R I Alfaro,M Kanninen, J Varjo, E Scheinkerman De Obschatko, Francois Ruf, O Deheuvels,L Ake Assi, D Sarpong, P Claros Liendo,Philip G Pardey, S Wood, R Hertford,O Segura,R Trejos, Sonia E Mora,Maria Virginia Villegas


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Key words
financing,forests,aquaculture,biotechnology,innovation,urbanisation,diversification,policies,private sector,food production,animal husbandry,economic development,sustainability,sustainable development,land management,economic environment,food safety,government,latin america,plant biotechnology,project evaluation,commerce,deforestation,technology,animal health,plant breeding,agriculture,international trade,fisheries,poverty,plant protection,food security
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