Social Insurance For Delivery (Jampersal) Policy In Indonesia: Culture-Based Approach For Improving Delivery By Health Workers In Rural Areas


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Background: Jampersal program was launched in Indonesia in January of 2011 by Permenkes No. 631/Menkes/PER/III/2011. The aim was to improve the coverage of antenatal care, delivery, postpartum care, postnatal, and family planning by health professionals free of charge. After over a year Jampersal program runs, The ANC figures of Jampersal utilization were still very low. Methods: Quantitative and qualitative research on socio-cultural factors in relation to the selection of health personnel by utilizing Jampersal conducted in 2012 which was then followed by a round table discussion to review the policy options related to the Jampersal utilization of the 6 rural districts. Results: Policy options suggested in Jampersal socialization activities need Intersectoral Commitment: The Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Religious Affairs, and BKKBN, followed by a clear and decisive political commitment. They need active partnerships from private practice, but the total amount of compensation of midwife in helping delivery should be adjusted. Regulations are required and procedures should be set for Jamkesnas, Jamkesda, and Jampersal; They need regulation on cooperation between the health centers staffs and village chiefs to further reinforce ID requirement; The transportation cost to refferal unit; TBAs services (division of task and cost); Financial restrictions to cover by Jampersal on second or third delivery. Additionally need a regulation of reward and punishment for midwives, TBAs and cadres involvement in serving pregnancy and delivery. In village level, they need to establish regulation, that TbaS AND Cadres should write the pregnat women data at the board office of village chiefts. Lastly, MoU between head of district health center and midwife assosiation related to midwife understanding of cultural approaches and on the job training for midewife should be established. Conclusion: Culture-Based Approach has important role to improve Delivery By Health Workers In Rural Areas. Recommendation: Shorterm and longterm priority of policy should be set up.
Jaminan Persalinan, Policy Options, Cultural, Delivery, Midwives - TBAs
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