Ecophronesis: The Ecological Practical Wisdom for and from Ecological Practice

EcoWISE-Innovative Approaches to Socio-Ecological Sustainability(2019)

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This essay addresses three questions pertaining to the assertion that ecological wisdom connotes both Platonian sophia (theoretical wisdom) and Aristotelian phronesis (practical wisdom): What is Aristotelian phronesis in the context of ecological wisdom? Why should it be juxtaposed with sophia at the nexus of ecological wisdom? How relevant is it to the contemporary ecological practice (planning, design, construction, and management)? The essay posits the construct of ecophronesis (ecological phronesis) as the ecological practical wisdom that people acquire from and use for ecological practice, describes the relationship between ecophronesis and Naessian ecosophy (ecological theoretical wisdom), and explores the relevance of ecophronesis to ecological practice and actionable science.
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Ecophronesis, Phronesis, Ecosophy, Ecological practical wisdom, Ecological wisdom, Ecological practice, Moral improvisation, Actionable science
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