Flux-Coil Generated, Field-Reversed Configuration


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1. N. Rostoker and A. Qerushi, Phys. Plasmas, 9(7):3057(2002) 2. W. S. Harris, E. Trask, T. Roche, et. Al, PRL, 70(12):1818(2009) 21 Nominal Design Parameters for D2 Inner and Outer Wall Radii (cm), r1, r2 10, 30 Equilibrium (Null) Radius and Width (cm), r0, r 22.5, 3.5 Applied Magnetic Field (kG), B0 0.1 Average and Peak Ion Density (cm 3 ⇥ 1013), ni, ni 0.5, 5 Average Temperatures (eV), Te, Ti 20 Electron and Ion Angular Frequencies (s 1 ⇥ 106), !e,!i 0, 5⇥ 105 EXPERIMENT
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