Elementary Educators' Perceptions of Design, Engineering, and Technology: An Analysis by Ethnicity

Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research(2013)

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AbstractThis mixed-methods pilot study extends researchers' understandings about elementary teachers' (K-6) perceptions of design, engineering and technology. In the first phase of the study, a reliable and valid survey was given to thirty-five participants in a teacher professional development academy sponsored by the Institute for P-12 Engineering Research and Learning at Purdue University. Quantitative results suggest that minority teachers are more enthusiastic, more interested and more motivated to pursue design, engineering and technology opportunities and to teach these concepts to their students than majority teachers. In phase two, qualitative inquiry, via narrative analysis and open coding, was used to expound upon the responses from one majority and two minority academy participants. Teachers identified university and industry's disinterest in connecting to local student populations, poverty in the community, missing family units, opportunities to obtain a well-rounded education, and disadvantages within minority populations as factors that impact students' eventual success in design, engineering and technology.Keywords: K-12engineering education, teacher perceptions, minorities in engineeringIntroductionCalls to Increase the representation of minorities In engineering are not rare. The National Action Council for Minorities In Engineering (NACME) refers to the problem of minority underrepresentation In engineering as the'new'American dllemma.John Brooks Slaughter, NACME president and CEO, explains:The'New'American Dilemma Is this nation's failure to educate and develop a growing proportion of Its potential talent base-African Americans, Latinos and American Indians-as Its need for people with skills In science and engineering Is escalating (National Action Council of Minorities In Engineering, 2008, p. 1).Despite the convocations to promote policies conducive to Increasing the numbers of African-Americans, Hispanles and Native Americans In engineering, many of the current reports and persuasive statements to Innovate the teaching of engineering do not Include arguments or provisions focusing upon the underrepresentation of minorities (Basken, 2009; Sheppard, Macatangay, Colby, and Sullivan, 2009). Their foci, however, seem to be solely In the low supply of students compared to the projected demand for these students In engineering.Numerous reports recognize the Importance of precollege experiences In student career choices. Teachers' understandings and perceptions are Important aspects to consider In the development of student attitudes and knowledge In engineering since teachers' subject knowledge greatly Influences their students'abilities In that subject (U.S. Department of Education 2001; National Research Council 2002; National Academies Committee on Science Engineering and Public Policy 2006).The purpose of the current pilot study Is to shed light Into teachers'perceptions of design, engineering and technology. These three terms are used to acknowledge the Inclusion of design and engineering within technology education (Yasar, Baker, Roblnson-Kurplus, Krause, and Roberts, 2006). More specifically, differences In teachers'perceptions by gender and ethnicity are explored. This mixed-methods study builds upon results of a reliable and valid design, engineering and technology (DET) survey developed at Arizona State University (Yasar et al., 2006). Within this study, the DET Survey was given to 35 elementary teachers who participated In a week-long teacher professional development workshop at Purdue University In the summer of 2007. Extending survey findings, the researchers Interviewed two minority teachers and one majority teacher to explore more In-depth perceptions the teachers had of design, engineering, and technology.Literature ReviewThere Is consensus about the Importance that precollege experiences have In the preparation of scientists and engineers, specifically among minorities. …
Engineering Education,Career and Technical Education,Experiential Learning,STEM Integration,Teacher Preparation
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