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Status of the warm front end of PXIE

A Shemyakin, Maria Angeles Gil Alvarez,Rhys Andrews,C Baffes,Aifan Chen,B Hanna,L Prost,G Saewert,Vic Scarpine,J Steimel, Dianxing Sun, Dalai Li, R Darcy


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A CW-compatible, pulsed H- superconducting linac is envisaged as a possible path for upgrading Fermilabu0027s injection complex. To validate the concept of the front- end of such a machine, a test accelerator (a.k.a. PXIE) is under construction. The warm part of this accelerator comprises a 10 mA DC, 30 keV H- ion source, a 2m-long LEBT, a 2.1 MeV CW RFQ, and a 10-m long MEBT that is capable of creating a large variety of bunch structures. The paper will report commissioning results of a partially assembled LEBT, status of RFQ manufacturing, and describe development of the MEBT, in particular, of elements of its chopping system.
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