İmam-Hatip Ortaokul ve Liselerinde Kur’ân Eğitimi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(2014)

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Oz: Turkiye’de, Imam Hatip Ortaokullari ve Anadolu Imam Hatip Liselerinde verilen Kur’an egitiminin mevcut durumu, duzeyi, verimliligi, niteligi ve sorunlarina yonelik bilimsel- akademik calismalarin oldukca yetersiz oldugu soylenebilir. Hâlbuki bu tarz calismalar, bahsi gecen kurumlardaki Kur’an egitiminin yeni yaklasimlar etrafinda iyilestirilmesi ve gelistirilmesi acisindan son derece onemlidir. Bu makale, sozu edilen perspektiften hareketle yapilan bir saha calismasinin neticesinde kaleme alinmistir. Calisma iki bolumden olusmaktadir. Ilk bolumde Kur’an egitimine iliskin teorik bir cerceve cizilmis; burada Kur’an egitiminin niteligi ve duzeyi uzerine dusunmenin, onu sorgulamanin kavramsal zemini insa edilmistir. Ikinci bolumde ise yapilan saha calismasi etrafinda Imam Hatip Ortaokullari ve Anadolu Imam Hatip Liselerindeki Kur’an egitiminin iyilestirilmesi ve gelistirilmesi konusu ele alinmistir. Burada oncelikle soz konusu okullardaki Kur’an egitiminin mevcut durumu degerlendirilmis; ozellikle ogretmenlerin Kur’ân egitimiyle ilgili genel profilleri incelenmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kur’ân egitimi, Kur’ân ogretimi, kiraat, tilâvet, talim, tecvid, tashih-i huruf, fem-i muhsin, musâfehe, A Study on the Education of the Qur’anic Recitation at Imam Hatip Secondary and High Schools Abstract: It can be said that the academic studies on current situation, level, efficiency, quality and problems of teaching the Qur’anic recitation at Imam Hatip Secondary Schools and Anadolu Imam Hatip High Schools are not enough in Turkey. However, these kind of studies are very important in terms of enhancement and improvement of the Qur’anic recitation at these schools around new approaches. This article has been written in consequence of a survey from the perspective mentioned above. The article comprises two parts. In the first part, a theoretical framework has been drawn up with regard to teaching the Qur’anic recitation; it has been constructed the bases of cognitive in thinking and examination of quality and level of teaching the Qur’anic recitation. In the second part, it is argued enhancement and improvement of the Qur’anic recitation at Imam Hatip Secondary Schools and Anadolu Imam Hatip High Schools around the survey. In this part, it is evaluated first current situation of teaching the Qur’anic recitation at Imam Hatip Secondary Schools and Anadolu Imam Hatip High Schools; especially it is examined general profile of the teachers’ Qur’anic recitation who work at these schools. Keywords: Teaching the Qur’anic recitation, Recitation of the Qur’an (qiraat), tilawat, tajweed, correcting the pronunciation of the Qur’anic letters, reciter of the Qur’an, competent in reciting the Qur’an, face to face education,
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Islamic Education,Religious Education,Islamic Studies,Muslim Students
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