Heavy metal concentrations in the bank root sediments of the Calabar River, adjacent to the Marina resort, Calabar, Nigeria.

AES Bioflux(2014)

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The concentration of heavy metals in the bank root sediments of Calabar River which is adjacent to the Marina resort was analyzed from the months of July to September using the AAS technique (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). Samples were collected in two locations (bank root proximal to the resort and opposite to the resort) from 3 sampling points (upstream, adjacent and downstream). Heavy metals concentration in location 1 ranged between 0.43–345.07 mg/kg for Fe; 0.46–3.85 mg/kg for Cd; 0.02–4.07 for Cr and 0.22–0.30 mg/kg for Al while in location 2 values ranged between 0.56–328.39 mg/kg for Fe; 1.29–3.22 mg/kg for Cd; 0.02–2.56 mg/kg for Cr and 0.33–0.77 mg/kg for Al, with iron found to be in the highest concentration and chromium in the lower concentration in the wet season. Some of the heavy metals analyzed were discovered to have exceeded the set limit of FEPA and WHO standard level except for chromium (0.02 mg/kg) for the month of September at both sampling locations. Analysis of variance did not differ significantly for all metals. This is an indication that there is utmost need to control industrial, domestic waste and sewage disposal into the Calabar River.
wet season,iron,water pollution,sewage,waste management,cadmium,atomic absorption spectrophotometry,sediment,aluminium,chromium
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