Disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis verified by caesarean section - a case report

Case Reports in Clinical Pathology(2014)

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In this report we present a case of disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis which was discovered during an elective Caesarean section. Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata (DPL) is a rare but well-documented disorder mainly found in women of reproductive age. It is characterized by small nodules on the peritoneal surface, that imitate a malignant process, but demonstrate benign histological features. DPL is usually discovered accidentally during other procedures, such as laparoscopy, cesarean section, laparotomy, tubal ligation, etc . Etiology is uncertain but DPL seems to be a multifactorial disease with a genetic or hormonal component (high levels of estrogen and progesterone) which leads to metaplasia of peritoneal mesenchymal cells. There is evidence that the DPL is a result of a hormonal disorder. When DPL occurs during pregnancy or during the use of birth control pills, it may regress spontaneously after delivery or after stopping the birth control treatment. This case report of DPL shows a pregnant woman who has used birth control pills for three years between her first und second pregnancies.
peritoneal leiomyomatosis,caesarean section
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