Evaluation of pedestrian road traffic maxillofacial injuries in a Nigerian tertiary hospital.

T O Aladelusi, Akinmoladun, O O Olusanya,O A Akadiri,A O Fasola

African journal of medicine and medical sciences(2014)

引用 24|浏览6
Forty-six participants (22.9% of all victims of road traffic crashes seen within the study period) were victims of pedestrian RTC. Pedestrian RTC occurred in all age groups with almost 40% of the victims in their 1st and 2nd decades of life. The most severe MFISS was observed in the 21 - 30 year age group while the least severe injury observed was in the 71 - 80 years age group. Thirty participants (65.2%) were hit by a car or minibus while fourteen (30.4%) were knocked down by a motorcycle. Two (4.4%) were hit by a truck. Soft tissue injury was the most common maxillofacial injury and head injury was the commonest concomitant injury observed. The median MFISS score of victims of motorcycle was 4.0 while the median scores for victims of car/minibus pedestrian RTC was 9.0. The most severe maxillofacial injury was seen in victim of car/minibus pedestrian crashes. Seventeen percent (8) of the victims had a fatal outcome. Conclusion: Pedestrian RTC resulting in maxillofacial injuries are common in the studied environment. It is particularly common among the 11 -20 year age group and victims are usually hit by cars/minibuses. These injuries are often severe and fatal outcome is not infrequent. Therefore, definitive preventive measures are imperative.
maxillofacial injuries,pedestrian road traffic,nigerian tertiary hospital
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