Measuring Walkability Attributes of Pedestrian Rail Commuter: A Pilot Study

H Mokhlas, N A Hamid,M Mustafa,R Sham

Proceedings of the 1st AAGBS International Conference on Business Management 2014 (AiCoBM 2014)(2016)

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Almost every first mile journey starts with walking, and the last mile journey ends by the same form of transport. Various factors have been identified as having influence on the willingness of pedestrian rail commuters to walk from home to the nearby rail transit station. This pilot study was carried out in three rail commuter stations within the selected Transit Planning Zone of the Kuala Lumpur Conurbation. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the pedestrian commuters’ perception of their environmental factors to and from the rail transit stations. The proposed framework was evaluated by using a structured questionnaire and survey done on 50 respondents. The findings indicate that physical environment, weather, safety, and rail level of service have positive correlation with walkability. The findings may enhance the actual survey to be carried out, while the final results may provide further insights into walkability and then on increasing the rail patronage.
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Pedestrian rail commuter, Transit Planning Zone, Physical environment, Safety, Weather, Rail level of service
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