Cooperative control of reactive power of distributed PV systems to suppress voltage of distribution line along railroad track

Takamasa Miyagawa,Hitoshi Hayashiya, Hisashi Yamada, Shinichi Sakaguchi, Kazuya Matsumoto,Masashi Nakahira, Eiji Hashiguchi,Yuki Iino, Hideyuki Ueno,Nobuhiko Itaya,Tomihiro Takano

European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications(2015)

引用 6|浏览2
There are a lot of potentials to install photovoltaic panels along the railroad track and some systems have been already realizedin Japanese railway network. If a lot of PV systems have installed along the railway premises in the future, the generated power has to be transmitted to the station for the self consumption because the electric loads along the railroad track between the stations are, in many cases, small. To be cost effective, simple cooperative reactive power control of power conditioner for distribution line voltage control to realize inverse backflow from PV panels to stationis required, proposed and tested in the practical trackside solar system. The results of the cooperative reactive power control by two PV-PCSs are shown in this paper.
Photovoltaic generation,Distribution line voltage control,Cooperative reactive power control,Power conditioner
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