Near East. Global review of forest pests and diseases.

Marciano R Rubini, R T Silvaribeiro, A W V Pomella,Cristina Sayuri Maki,Welington Luiz Araujo, Dos Santos,Joao Lucio Azevedo,I Sandoval Ramirez,J Crozier,S E Thomas,M C Aime, H C Evans, Keith Holmes, Maria Teresa Ulloa,R T Hanlin,J C Frankland,J N Hedger, M J Swift, Eds, J Ginns, Mario Lefebvre, Randall S Singer, A Ruiz Castro,W Phillips Mora


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Key words
temperature,hosts,myxomycetes,ecosystems,pathogenicity,cycling,mycelium,life cycle,thallus,flora,isolation,taxonomy,pest control,biological control,ecology,lepidoptera,genetic variation,classification,latin america,biodiversity,defence mechanisms
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