Chosing the kind of anastomoses in aortobifemoral graft

Med A Rucinski, Z Szydlowski, A Dorobisz,Piotr Szyber,Zbigniew Rybak, M Wojtanowski, A Wolyniec, J Skora

Aortoiliakale VerschlußprozesseBerliner Gefäßchirurgische Reihe(1992)

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The aim of this study was to clarify indications for different types of anastomoses in different clinical situations. In 656 patients who underwent aortobifemoral graft implantation the following examinations were performed: angiography, intraoperative blood-flow measurement, the evaluation of back-flow pressure from femoral arteries, the general assessment of intraoperative conditions. According to the result of the examinations mentioned above, different types of anastomoses were done. It can be concluded that aortobifemoral graft implantation should not be a mutinously performed operation, but in choosing the most suitable type of anastomoses many factors should be carefuly analyzed.
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