Behind-The-Scenes (BTS): Wiper-Occlusion Canceling for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Adverse Rain Environments


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Driving in an adverse rain environment is a crucial challenge for vision-based advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in the automotive industry. The vehicle windshield wiper removes adherent raindrops that cause distorted images from in-vehicle frontal view cameras, but, additionally, it causes an occlusion that can hinder visibility at the same time. The wiper-occlusion causes erroneous judgments by vision-based applications and endangers safety. This study proposes behind-the-scenes (BTS) that detects and removes wiper-occlusion in real-time image inputs under rainy weather conditions. The pixel-wise wiper masks are detected by high-pass filtering to predict the optical flow of a sequential image pair. We fine-tuned a deep learning-based optical flow model with a synthesized dataset, which was generated with pseudo-ground truth wiper masks and flows using auto-labeling with acquired real rainy images. A typical optical flow dataset with static synthetic objects is synthesized with real fast-moving objects to enhance data diversity. We annotated wiper masks and scenes as detection ground truths from the collected real images for evaluation. BTS outperforms by achieving a 0.962 SSIM and 91.6% F1 score in wiper mask detection and 88.3% F1 score in wiper image detection. Consequently, BTS enhanced the performance of vision-based image restoration and object detection applications by canceling occlusions and demonstrated it potential role in improving ADAS under rainy weather conditions.
windshield wiper, object detection, optical flow, data synthesis, advanced driver assistance systems, adverse rain
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