
BILIARY ATRESIA: Diagnosis, management and outcome of eight cases in Yaounde, Cameroon.

M T Obamaabena,H D Mbassi Awa,M Ondoa Mekongo,J. Mbede, Njoya O, G Ondobo Andze

clinics in Mother and Child Health(2006)

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To describe the diagnosis and management of extra-hepatic biliary atresia seen in Yaounde from 1990 to 2004, eight patients' files with this disorder were studied. The mean age of onset of signs of cholestasis was 3.25 days and the mean time for consultation 40.87 days. One patient presented with portal hypertension. Laparotomy confirmed the diagnosis in 50% of our cases. In the others, diagnosis was based on anamnestic, clinical and paraclinical findings. The mean age at surgery was 128.25 days and the failure rate was 75%. At the end of the study, 6 patients were lost to follow-up or dead. One is presently 14 years old, underwent liver transplantation at the age of 17 months, and in another, success was partial. We conclude that all jaundiced newborns and toddlers must be thoroughly examined and undergo an appropriate workup to exclude cholestasis and ensure prompt management. Dans le but de decrire le diagnostic et la prise en charge de huit cas d'atresie des voies biliaires extra hepatiques recus entre 1990 et 2004, les dossiers medicaux des patients avec cette affection ont ete exploites. L'âge moyen a l'installation des signes de cholestase etait de 3,25 jours et le temps moyen a la presentation clinique de 40,87 jours. Un malade avait une hypertension portale a l'arrivee. La laparotomie a confirme le diagnostic dans 50% des cas. L'âge moyen au moment de l'intervention chirurgicale etait de 128,25 jours et le taux d'echec de 75%. Au terme de l'etude, 6 patients etaient perdus de vue ou decedes. Un actuellement âge de 14 ans a beneficie d'une transplantation hepatique a l'âge de 17 mois. Le succes etait partiel chez un autre. Nous concluons que tous les nouveau-nes et nourrissons icteriques doivent etre examines minutieusement et beneficier d'un bilan approprie pour exclure une cholestase et garantir une prise en charge rapide. Keywords : Extra-hepatic biliary atresia - Diagnosis - Management - Cameroon. Clinics in Mother and Child Health Vol. 3(2) 2006: pp. 551-554
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